The University of Valladolid has been working in Vietnam since 2015 to promote academic, scientific and technical cooperation with different actors of the Vietnamese society.
During this time, collaboration agreements have been signed with several Vietnamese universities (Vietnam National University, Thai Nguyen University and Vietnam National University of Forestry, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, Thai Nguyen University of Sciencies…). Different double master’s degrees have been implemented with the Vietnam National University-University of Science in the field of Forest Management based on Data Science-DATAFOREST and Environmental Engineering.
Different academic and research projects have been developed to foster collaboration with our Vietnamese partners.
The BioEcoN project was an Erasmus+ project which establishes a Higher Education Institution (HEI) network of excellence for peer2peer learning and joint academic capacity building. Three European and three Vietnamese partners in the field of Sustainable Forest- and Bio-Economy merge different perspectives and connect a variety of stakeholders to address the challenge that bio-economy is not by itself sustainable.
The teaching innovation project of the University of Valladolid, “Marteloscopes virtualization” PID_20_21_015 was developed during the 2020/2021 academic year. This project aims to give continuity to the work carried out, such as the forestry classrooms (marteloscopes) installed to be used for teaching purposes. Teaching tools and materials are being updated and will be included in the documentary repository of the University of Valladolid (UVaDoc). Learning objects have been generated for different teaching formats, and the network of internal collaboration and collaboration with other universities on the use of forest classroom teaching has been strengthened.
We are currently working on the VirtualForests project, an Erasmus+ call with Vietnamese and European universities and institutions. The project objectives are to strengthen cooperation and networking between partners and other relevant organizations and stakeholders, Promote the development, testing, and implementation of innovative open educational resources and learning practices, Support education and training of professionals at different levels and career development stages to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion in learning, and increase the international visibility and reputation of participating HEIs while simultaneously expanding international student access to open educational resources in a sector under-represented among online studies.
In a changing climate, we see the challenge that forestry needs to contribute to a low carbon-emitting society. Whilst forests sequester carbon, they simultaneously release carbon during forest operations. Our ambition is to arrive at an integrated picture of carbon sink and source and to adapt forest management for different climate and forest management regimes. In our project, we will develop carbon smart forest management systems for adaptation and mitigation in the view of climate change.
The integration of Vietnam National University-Hanoi University of Science (VNU-HUS) in the CARE4C – Carbon smart forestry under climate change MSCA project fostered our long term cooperation with Vietnamese scientific and academic community and allowed two VNU-HUS faculty members to stay at UVa (Palencia campus) during three months working on forest dynamics and carbon sequestration under climate change. During their visits the artificial intellence tools integration in the analysis of forest carbon pools and dynamic were explored.